***Call to Action***
03/14/21 SB-639 Minimum wages: persons with disabilities SUPPORT
HEARING date April 20th 2021
Cal-TASH is pleased to support SB 639, a bill that prohibits employers from paying people with disabilities less than the minimum wage. TASH, has long been committed to Competitive, Integrated Employment of at least the minimum wage for individuals with disabilities as you can see from TASH’s Resolution on Integrated Employment. SB 639 addresses historic barriers to gainful employment for people with disabilities by prohibiting the California Labor Commission from issuing employers a new license that allows for the payment of sub-minimum wage to employees with disabilities beginning in 2022. This bill requires workers with disabilities to be paid at least minimum wage by 2024.
Call Committee or submit written testimony Email: Jennifer Richard, Chief of Staff for Senator Durazo, Jennifer.Richard@sen.ca.gov
Gregory Cramer, Legislative Advocate, Disability Rights California, Gregory.Cramer@disabilityrightsca.org
Read text of Bill here. Click here for information.
04/01/21 SB692 Local Control and Accountability Plans: State Priorities: Least Restrictive Environment SUPPORT
HEARING date April 14th 2021
CAL-TASH supports this important bill acknowledging the importance of increasing access to inclusive education for students with disabilities as a state priority in the LCAP process. It is also an important feature of the bill that the Federal LRE monitoring data of “in a regular classroom for 80% of the school day” will be included on the California Schools Dashboard. Please call/write to the Senate Committee on Education to express your support. We have provided a sample letter (you can download and add your own details). Intstructions to call the committee hearing will be provided here. Read text of Bill here. Click here for information.
Please email your letter to the education Committee staffers:
davon.thomas@sen.ca.gov, ryan.hanretty@sen.ca.gov, tara.sreekrishnan@sen.ca.gov
nick.calero@sen.ca.gov, danielle.bradley@sen.ca.gov, sakshi.walia@sen.ca.gov, cameron.urkofsky@sen.ca.gov
04/08/21 AB813 Developmental services: service outcome pilot project. SUPPORT
HEARING date April 22nd 2021
The inclusive practices TASH validates through research have been shown to improve outcomes for all people. This is why we are proud to support AB 813 (Mullin) DDS Service Outcome Pilot, PAVE, because it will help improve the quality of services and increase transparency by linking California funding to defined services with measurable outcomes. AB 813 establishes an innovative data-driven pilot project. It will develop and test measurable service standards with defined outcomes. That data does not currently exist in California and has made it difficult for policymakers to link measurable outcomes to appropriate funding levels. The proposed pilot project also addresses the fundamental issues of racial disparities, inequities, service quality inconsistencies and funding deficiencies that continue to plague our developmental disability service system.
Please call/write to the Assembly Committee on Human Services to express your support. We have provided our letter as a sample. Instructions to call the committee hearing will be provided here. Read text of Bill here. Click here for information.
Please email your letter to staff elena.ortiz@asm.ca.gov