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Town Hall Panel

Friday March 1, 2024

9:00-10:30 am

Cartoon image of a line of houses and buildings of various sizes and colors.

The State of Housing for Individuals with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities in California

Housing in California is a concern for not only individuals with disabilities and their families, but most Californians. Our Town Hall panel will address the issues facing individuals with I/DD and their families throughout the state. Presenters will share resources and strategies to promote success in acquiring and maintaining affordable housing.

Cal-TASH logo serving as a bullet point.

What collaborations are necessary to promote person-centered planning when looking for housing?

Cal-TASH logo serving as a bullet point.

What potential legislation is needed to expand inclusive housing opportunities?

Cal-TASH logo serving as a bullet point.

What resources are available in high-cost areas?

Cal-TASH logo serving as a bullet point.

How do we acquire and maintain affordable, inclusive housing options that meet the HCBS Rule?

Cal-TASH logo serving as a bullet point.

What can we all do to advocate for inclusive affordable housing?

Cal-TASH logo serving as a bullet point.

What are examples of creative housing opportunities?

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